
Do You Need Periodontal Treatment?


Periodontology is the specialized study of the structure of hard and soft tissue that supports your teeth and maintain their position in your jaw – this system is called the periodontium. The health of this system is essential because it acts as a cushion during biting and chewing, so it helps prevent damage to the teeth as a result of excessive forces. Maintaining healthy teeth and preventing tooth loss is highly dependent on the health of the periodontium, so it’s essential to find a dentist who is a trained periodontist in Palatine.


What is Periodontal Disease?


Periodontal or gum disease is an inflammatory condition caused by bacteria in dental plaque that affects the gum and bone support surrounding the teeth. The two most common periodontal diseases are gingivitis (inflammation of the gum and necks of the teeth) and periodontitis (inflammation of the bone and tissues of the teeth). If left unattended, the severity of the disease can worsen and threaten tooth loss and widespread severe infections.


How can My Periodontist Help?


In most cases, periodontal disease can be treated with extensive cleaning and breaking up the plaque build-up. To treat the infection itself, your dentist might prescribe medications like enzyme suppressants or oral antibiotics. In cases of advanced periodontitis, surgical treatment might be required. Common periodontal surgeries include:


Flap Surgery – This type of surgery is used to remove calculus in deep pockets. The gums are lifted back to remove the tarter build-up. Gums are then sutured back into place, so they fit tightly to the tooth to prevent future build-up.


Bone and Tissue Grafts – This procedure is done to regenerate bone or gum tissues that have decayed or been destroyed as a result of periodontal disease. New natural or artificial bone is inserted where the bone was lost in order the promote bone growth.


Guided Tissue Regeneration – This is a surgical procedure that uses membranes to guide the growth of new bone and gum tissue in locations where one or both are lacking. A small piece of mesh-like material is inserted between the gum tissue and bone, which prevents the gum from growing into bone space, allowing the bone and connective tissue to regrow.


Finding the Best Solution for You


There are many causes of periodontal disease. The condition can be triggered by smoking, hormonal changes, diabetes, drug use, cancer, or genetic factors. Since every patient is different, you’ll want to find a periodontist in Palatine that has extensive experience and years of practice so they can find the treatment that will be right for you. Contact us today for a consultation and get you closer to a healthier smile.